About Ruth

Photo by Rebecca Elliot of Sunny Brooke Photo

Ruth is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) an a registered yoga teacher and holistic yoga therapist (RYT) and specializes in using a trauma informed approach in her classes.

Originally from Michigan, Ruth lives and works in northern Colorado. Traveling around the world is a huge passion of her life and what has inspired her to discover the holistic ancient roots of yoga the last 10 years from India to Cambodia to Guatemala, Peru and beyond. She has traveled to over 80 countries and taught yoga classes, workshops + retreats in over 25 countries. Her goal was to learn from these cultures the roots and the wisdom that yoga holds for every body.

Ruth graduated from Florida State University with the School of Social Science in Non-Profit Management and Economics. Ruth worked both domestically and internationally with non-profits and social enterprises to build community based grassroots businesses, schools and health care clinics. Leading projects in eastern Africa and southeast Asia, Ruth continues to support women empowerment projects and rural health clinics around the world.

Ruth is also an End of Life Doula and a surviving widow of a Veteran, Jake, who passed away in 2016 from lung cancer. Ruth was in her mid-20’s and had to learn to live with grief as young widow. Ruth uses her experience to allows others to feel supported during the end of life process.

After traveling the world and teaching yoga internationally for a few years, Ruth continued her academic and research education and attended graduate school. She gained a Masters in Social Work (MSW) from Colorado State University and her research was focused on building a trauma informed yoga program for Veterans who were experiencing PTSD and chronic pain focusing on assessable yoga forms and trauma informed mindfulness medication. She was selected to complete her Masters clinical internship at the Cheyenne VA Medical Hospital where she was selected Ruth blends her research using ancient holistic practices.

Currently Ruth runs her private practice, Breathing Room PPLC, working with individuals and also group and family therapy. She is also working towards developing trauma informed programming for hospitals, non-profits and organizations. She current runs trauma informed + sensitive yoga trainings for mental health professionals and is leading healing circles for burnout.

Ruth has experience working in domestic violence shelters, with military Veterans and Service Members on military bases and in VA medical clinics, working in the schools with youth, sexual assault survivors on college campuses and making classes accessible and affordable for all ages and backgrounds.

Ruth’s intention is to use yoga as a tool to mindfully bridge the mind-body connection working with trauma survivors who are healing. Yoga has become a lifestyle she is always excited to share with others on and off the mat. To provide people a safe and empowering opportunity and space to come to their mats to move their body, heal their mind and discover the power of their breath.